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Alisa_Crashing_200 x 160 Acrylic on canvas.jpg


Alisa Chunchue's Presentation_003.jpg

The root of the word "disaster" means a star coming apart, it refers to an unfortunate event blamed on the position of planets. Facing a disaster is to be in a dispersed and chaotic condition, or to face a big change. 


is part of The Resonance project, which consists of three acts: Wound, Crashing, and Ghost. This project was inspired by the daily record of my hospital experience and by reading When Breath Becomes Air, a book written by an American neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi. In his book, Kalanithi addresses that the root of  "disaster"  means a star coming apart. The word then connotes the devastation of lives and a family torn apart by illness. The broken state is a reference phenomenon both physically and mentally. The project was developed as an analogy for written evidence and then interpretatively expressed through artistic practice. 

Alisa interprets and analogies the uncontrollable and unexpected from the etymology of the term, the series clashing, thus referring to shards of information that suddenly arise in her mind from dreams, nostalgia, hallucinations, and phenomena that formed by the physical force of falling and bouncing

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