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Alisa’s “Overdose”, is an installation work exhibited in a rectangular room. The work invites the audience and performers to move around the room in order to make the shape of the work appear in the space that the artist herself has specified. The blue light is used to form the work’s physical dimension so the work is shaped by hypothetical space. The shape of the work is determined by wherever the light can travel to. Glass, a substance between solid and liquid states, was melted and colored with red fluid representing human blood in order to delay the time that marks the separation of the external and internal dimension of the work itself. The work features equipment that either resembles to medical or is actual medicalinstruments.

All was placed ready to be used. Everything in the room is what we have seen before and what we are familiar with. I believe that anyone who sees this work would probably feel that the medical science seems to be merciless to humans who fight bravely against the abyss of illness. The composition under the space of blue light where time seems to stop will not be complete if there are no performers. The artist doesn’t want to define the meaning of her work alone but the audience as performers who voluntarily engage their bodies to collaborate with the work in the space will also be a medium to communicate the meaning of this work.

As I have mentioned above, illness is what we can’t feel for others. Its experience cannot be shared or it is hard to put oneself in another person’s shoes. Alisa is one of the new generation artists who are interested in the transformation of the bodily condition by using the visual language to communicate as much as she could. I believe that her perspective reveals the key aspect most of artists in her generation, even deal with emotional issues, have overlooked. Her work proves her meticulous treatment of her idea and of human condition. Even she has just become a professional artist, we could say that the way she masters artistic techniques she has learned would efficiently yield great work and would quickly help her to achieve her self-discovery.

Chol Janepraphaphan  2018

A moment time

seems to 

stand still.

Sketch b3.jpg


First published

Digital indigo printed on toccata 160 gram


h19.3 x w15.1 x d1.9 cm

56 pp

ISBN : 978-616-455-732-1

Printed in Bangkok


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